The Writers Bloc

The Brief

One of my oldest friends and I started a project together in 2011.

The initial idea was us trying to get around the lengthy and punishing traditional way that writers have to go through to have their work published, let alone read.

The site was initially designed as a peer to peer review system for short stories. The idea being that you could only read others critique of your work after you’d left a critique of someone elses.

Over the last 10 years we learnt many things and pivotted the site quite a lot to be much broader.

The Challenge

To get to the core of what will really and truly help writers in Australia.


Strategic Insight

Having gone through several iterations and redesigns, it became apparent that the courses, jobs and opportunities were the most visited pages.

The Solution

The current site addresses this with the features and pages we added on. It has grown and morphed. Pivoting quickly to address the needs of the site’s visitors.

We are currently in development of the next version.


Daniel Farrugia

0409 742 830

All Work

X15 VenturesBranding and digital

Macq01 HotelBranding

Spirit of ANZAC Centenary ExperienceBranding, digital, exhibition and campaign

Sydney New Year's Eve 2011 - 2018Branding, digital, exhibition, environmental and event

1 DenisonBranding, digital and marketing

Writers BlocDigital

iPhone 12Digital and game design